2020 was a rich and eventful year for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Canada. As we answer the challenge to show ‘unusual kindness’ to one another – and especially to those most vulnerable and in need – this year, may we be sustained by this year’s experiences of shared prayer, biblical reflection and fellowship.
Here are some highlights from communities across the country. Thank you all who have sent photos and stories to us!
Montréal, QC: A full house! Over 200 people and 16 church representatives celebrated Christian unity at Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church on January 21.
Montréal, QC: Worship leaders at Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church. All major churches in Montréal participated: Armenian Apostolic, Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Orthodox, Presbyterian, United and others.
Montréal, QC: Brothers and sisters in Christ. Church leaders share the sign of peace during the worship service.
Montréal, QC: His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian, Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Canada, at the worship service.
Ottawa, ON: Ecumenical worship service, organized in partnership with the Christian Council of the Capital Area, was hosted on January 22 by Kanata United Church.
Ottawa, ON: Gathered together in one boat. Worship leaders at the ecumenical service.
Ottawa, ON: A new generation of ecumenical leaders!
Ottawa, ON: Praying together in the ‘boat’ of the church. The congregation at the ecumenical service.
Peterborough, ON: Leaders at the ecumenical worship service on January 21, hosted by St Anne’s Roman Catholic Church.
Quebec City, QC: On January 19, many Christians of Quebec City gathered at the WPCU Opening Ceremony at l’église Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-la-Salle to hear the testimonies of two people whose lives embody ‘unusual kindness’. Organised by Conseil interconfessionnel chrétien de la région de Québec, with Roman Catholic, United, Reformed Church of Jesus Christ of Madagascar, Quebec Reform Church, Seven-Day Adventist, and Presbyterian churches participating.
Quebec City, QC: Models of Unusual Kindness: Rev. Gérald Doré (first from the left), a retired United Church minister, welcomed a family who had refugee status. He also offered his church as a sanctuary to a man who lacked papers before the police entered the building to remove him.
Quebec City, QC: Models of Unusual Kindness: Madame Louise Brissette (far right), founder of Les Enfants d’Amour, has adopted 37 mentally handicapped children, three of whom accompanied her.
Quebec City, QC: One of the girls adopted by Madame Brissette helping the Roman Catholic Auxiliary Bishop, Marc Pelchat, as he says the final prayer at the Opening Ceremony.
Quebec City, QC: At the Vespers service on January 18 at La Clarté-Dieu, a center that links faith and the visual arts (from left to right): Mary Robertson, Saint Michael's Anglican; Rev. Carol Edgar, Anglican Diocese; Fr. Mario Duchesne, Roman Catholic Archdiocese; Daisy Schnebberger, Église unie St-Pierre.
Saskatoon, SK: Opening service on January 19 at Knox United Church.
Saskatoon, SK: Opening service on January 19 at Knox United Church.
Saskatoon, SK: Opening service on January 19 at Knox United Church.
Willowdale, ON: Worship leaders gathered at the ecumenical service in Willowdale Presbyteran Church on January 23. Photos - Abel Pandy.
Willowdale, ON: Twelve churches participated: Cummer Avenue United Church, Faith Church, A House Church, The Peoples’ Church, St Edward the Confessor Catholic Church, St George on Yonge Anglican Church, St Theodore’s of Canterbury Anglican Church, Vaughan Community Church, Willowdale Baptist Church, Willowdale Christian Reformed Church, Willowdale Pentecostal Church, Willowdale Presbyterian Church. Photos - Abel Pandy.
Winnipeg, MB: Worship leaders at the January 19 city-wide ecumenical celebration at the Epiphany Lutheran Church.
Winnipeg, MB: Worship leaders at the January 19 city-wide ecumenical celebration at the Epiphany Lutheran Church.
Yorkton, SK: The worship symbols of boat and oars. Pastor Karen Stepko, Christ Lutheran Church in Rhein, led an ecumenical worship service hosted by St Gerard Roman Catholic Church on January 20. Other services were hosted by Salvation Army Yorkton on January 21, Yorkton Alliance Church on January 22, and Parkland Community Church on January 23.